
16-742 Geometry of Locomotion

Fall 2015

Time: MW, 10:30 - 11:50

Location: NSH 3002

Instructor: Howie Choset

Textbook: An Introduction to Geometric Mechanics and Differential Geometry

This course introduces geometric methods for the analysis of locomoting systems. Focusing on the kinematics of locomoting systems, the course covers topics from differential geometry, geometric mechanics, and motion planning. Specific topics include configuration spaces, manifolds, groups, Lie groups, representations of velocity, holonomic and nonholonomic constraints, constraint curvature, response to cyclic inputs and distance metrics. The primary goal of this class is to develop an intuitive understanding of these concepts and how they are used in locomoting systems, rather than working through a set of formal proofs and derivations. We do, however, incorporate enough mathematical formalism for this class to serve as a starting point for further investigation into this topic area. We also call upon biological data, when available, and relate to the mathematical formalisms in the class.

For updates to the webpage, please contact Tony Dear.

Project tracking link here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OAYbawhrsoJ2s-Gg-YwnSuN4pjbNQo3jFLR7jNUwGj4/edit?usp=sharing